[rescue] SparcCenter 2000E on Ebay

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 21 21:50:58 CDT 2003

--- "N. Miller" <vraptor at promessage.com> wrote:
> --On Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:32 AM -0700 Lionel Peterson 

> I would have to agree--albeit on little experience.  I spent just
> over a week in NJ, and I liked the fact that Philly was about an
> hour away, but the area we were in was more like a small town
> area than a "suburb".

I'd be curious if you remember the town - I live about an hour from
Philadelphia, and hour from NYC, an hour from the shore and an hour
from the shore (Spring Lake ;^).

ANd, more importantly, only 15 minutes from work, "opposite" commuter


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