[rescue] KDE under IRIX

Benjamin Gardiner cvisors at carnagevisors.net
Fri Jun 27 04:48:42 CDT 2003

J. Alexander Jacocks wrote:

> I'm currently attempting to build KDE-3.1.2 under IRIX 6.5 (n32) on my 
> IP32 with gcc.  I previously attempted with MIPSpro 7.3, but gave up out 
> of (nearly) terminal frustration.
> I'll report my success or failure.
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I know some one has done it, and I was running it on my indigo2 for a 
while, it is around somewhere, do a google search for darkstar kde in 
comp.sys.sgi.* it may save you some frustration on trying to compile it 
yourselfe ;)


one you lock the target
two you bait the line
three you slowly spread the net
and four you catch the man

Front 242 Headhunter

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