[rescue] HP-UX laptops on eBay

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 13 22:01:39 CST 2003

--- Phil Schilling <phils at gcstech.net> wrote:
> Ok, went to buy one and the seller ended the auction early....8-(

Maybe the department head found out what he was doing with them (not
ethe email address)...

I'd be interested in one for the following reasons:

1024x768 12.1" display

takes two IDE drives (not 2 1/2" SCSI)

has 256 Meg RAM

I'm not to concerned about battery life, since I assume it is on par
with the sparcbooks (about an hour) under ideal conditions...

Wonder if they are still for sale? (maybe he got an offer on the


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