[rescue] mozilla q

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 30 20:41:49 CST 2003

--- "Curtis H. Wilbar Jr." <rescue at hawkmountain.net> wrote:
> I know this isn't hardware related... but it is rescue related (as in
> rescuing my sanity :-) ).
> I'm sick to death of not being able to have a reliable browser.  As
> it stands I run the Opera beta for Solaris for some stuff and Moxilla
> for other stuff.

I assume you tried Netscape 4.7, 6.X and IE for Solaris and found them
all lacking? They were curiously absent from your list of browsers...


"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten
programmers and deluge the hobby market with good software"
Bill Gates, in "An OpenLetter to Hobbyists" dated February 3, 1976

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