[rescue] Printers

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri May 9 21:43:08 CDT 2003

--- "Sheldon T. Hall" <shel at cmhcsys.com> wrote:
> I need to do something about the printing situation around here.  A
> ribbon-eating dot-matrix printer and a USB-on-Windows-only inkjet
> unit do not for happiness make.

A sad state of affairs...

> Is there any way to make a non-power-saving laser printer
> (specifically a
> Panasonic KX-P4420) get with the Energy Star program and curb its
> appetite??

That would be a neat trick. ;^)

> The printer works fine, but its either on or off, and when it's on,
> it's so
> power hungry that it dims the room lights when its heater is on. 
> Even my
> 3500 Watt espresso machine doesn't do that.

Ugh, I think it is time for a new printer.

> Failing that ... what's a good PostScript-capable, power-saving,
> network-attachable laser printer, and does anyone around Seattle have
> one of which he wishes to be rid?

Something like this would be nice:


Postscript is available for a printer like this for about $40 from
www.printerworks.com (IIRC)...

HP 4m's are nice too, but only 600x600 (the HP 2100s are 1200x1200 @ 10



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