[rescue] Hark, something from the depths of the storage closet!

jwbirdsa at picarefy.com jwbirdsa at picarefy.com
Fri May 16 23:28:17 CDT 2003

>I believe M$ never sold Xenix directly

   I'm pretty sure they did. I have a bunch of green "Microsoft Xenix"
manuals which I rescued out of a recycle bin while I was contracting at
Microsoft in the early 90's.

   The earlier manuals are copyright 1982 Microsoft and 1979 AT&T and
were printed on an old laser printer, one of the ones where the toner
starts to stick the pages together a bit over time. Those manuals bear
a notice that holders of a Unix source license may reproduce the document.
   The one that's copright 1983 talks about the "8086/80286 XENIX"
operating system. It is only copyright Microsoft.
   Then I have a few for "XENIX 286" which are copyright 1984, Microsoft
only. Those and the 1983 document are all offset printed in the small
page size that MS used for a lot of its looseleaf manuals over the years.

   --James B.

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