[rescue] Ultra 1 CPU fan replaced

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Tue May 27 20:32:14 CDT 2003

Count yourself lucky... after what I heard from people I didn't even
bother to try.

I did find with a few little minor modifications, the extra case cooling
fan from a Sparc 2 fits very nicely, moves a bit more air, and is a much
much much higher quality fan than the crappy thing they have on the CPU
on the U1.  Of course this fan is thicker, so the plastic guard had to go
but that only serves to keep people from knocking the heatsinks on the

-- Curt

>X-Sender: ghub005 at pop3.xtra.co.nz
>Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 12:35:09 +1200
>To: rescue at sunhelp.org
>From: Gavin Hubbard <ghub005 at xtra.co.nz>
>Subject: [rescue] Ultra 1 CPU fan replaced
>Hello list
>I have an Ultra 1 (170E) in my office that I use as a hardware test-station and 
install server. The CPU fan has been acting up recently to the point where it 
sometimes stops and has to be restarted by hand. To counter this I've been 
leaving the system turned off when not under direct supervision.
>I just wanted to say that Sun have sent me a (user-installable) replacement fan 
under FCO #A0089-1. Some people have reported that this FCO is inactive - so 
perhaps it depends on the FE who picks up the call. FWIW my system isn't under 
Sun contract support.
>Thank-you Sun.
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net

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