[rescue] Uh, hello stupid.

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Wed May 28 09:49:24 CDT 2003

> 	This is exactly what I did with my 39160 Card. Pulled it out, went
> "Oh Sh!t", and then read the docs. Found out it would go in a 32 bit PCI
> slot so I stuck it in there and it has run like a champ ever since.
> 	Of interest I did go looking for a PC workstation motherboard with
> 64 bit pci then and have kept my eye open for one ever since. Still have
> yet to see one. Calling MB manufactures  resulted in them saying that
> they had no plans to go that route anytime soon (that was about a two
> years ago)
> Michael A. Turner
> Systems Engineer WHRO
> michael.turner at whro.org
> http://www.whro.org
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The machine I am typing this on has 64bit 66MHz PCI. It's a Dual Athlon
machine with a Tyan (S2466) Tiger MPX board.


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