[rescue] Bluetooth

Brooke Gravitt brooke at gravitt.org
Tue Nov 4 11:16:23 CST 2003

>> <http://www.brainboxes.com/products/bluetooth/product.asp?id=BL-521>
>    I'd have ordered one *right now* if they weren't priced at $240.00.
> That's obscene.
>         -Dave


That is a little too steep for a fancy dongle. Dang! I was really excited
about the idea of getting to sit in a chair 20 feet from the server and
sstill having a serial terminal.

What I don't understand is that the cost of the BT printer adapters are
less that $100. Why so much for serial? I mean, if Epson can sell a BT
parallel printer adapter for $99, why is this thing $240?

Well, hopefully a capitalist will produce them cheaply and eat this
company for lunch. HOw much could it cost to make one of these?


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