[rescue] Bigger Iron at Home (was: SNMP, Baby!)

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at ohno.mrbill.net
Tue Nov 11 14:10:09 CST 2003

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 01:40:53PM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 11:38:35AM -0500, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
> > As you married men might imagine, a discussion ensued:
> > "What's this, then?  I thought you were getting rid of some of these old
> > computers!"
> > "I will, dear.  I'm just upgrading, and this overstock situation is
> > temporary."
> > "This black one is even bigger and louder that the beige one."
> My wife implemented a "volume" policy.  If I bring anything else in, I have
> to get rid of an equivalent physical volume of hardware.

Here I thought you meant a volume policy in that if you bring new stuff
in, old stuff must leave, such that the sound level stays the same.

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