[rescue] What is this?

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Thu Oct 2 01:25:23 CDT 2003

On Thursday, October 2, 2003, at 02:21 AM, Bjorn Ramqvist wrote:
>>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ 
>>> eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=11223&item=3050604871
>>> Oh yeah, is it worth rescuing?
>> A regular Origin2k can only scale so much.  Through this puppy in  
>> amoung
>> the racks, and it will be able to scale a lot more.  The BIN is  
>> probably
>> a real steal for someone who can put it to use.  However, how many of
>> those people shop ebay?
> Uhm. We *do* have Dave McG on this list, you know. :-)

   Indeed...My Origin 2000 came from eBay, from the very same  
seller...it likely came from the very same system, as a matter of fact.


Dave McGuire                      "My tummy hurts now, but my soul
St. Petersburg, FL                 feels a little better."     -Ed

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