[rescue] Optimal OS for a SS4?

Eric Webb ttlchaos at randomc.com
Fri Oct 17 18:15:54 CDT 2003

On Friday 17 October 2003 07:41 am, Robert Rose wrote:
> once I get some chio nastyness fixed) and will be my Bacula box (with
> thanks to those that recommended it!).

Can someone compare Bacula with Amanda?  I have been half-working on getting 
Amanda to back up multiple machines to my DLT library.

I'd like something that incrementally and fully backs up multiple machines to 
a staging area on disk, with the possibility of keeping multiple (recent) 
backups in that staging area (space permitting).  As necessary or as 
otherwise defined, these backups would get moved from staging to tape.  

One thing that I don't think Amanda does very well is take a larger backup and 
span tapes.  I only have a DLT4000 drive here, and that may actually be an 
issue in some cases.

(ADSM for free?)


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