[rescue] spam WPOISON

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Sep 9 07:17:24 CDT 2003

On Tuesday 09 September 2003 05:59, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > > XP1800+ with a half gig of RAM running Linux) Mozilla, written in C,
> >
> > ITYM C++.
> Er ...    you are, of course, correct.  Which only makes the comparison
> even more damning, IMHO.

The main reason OpenOffice.Borg is slow is that it's one big huge integrated
program, with absolutely no attnetion being paid to performance when coding
eg widgets (a new widget set for what? It performs like a dog on my athlon

Please god, let them switch to qt...

Frank Van Damme    http://www.openstandaarden.be
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"Je pense, donc je suis breveti."

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