[rescue] Big Honkin' Drives

Charles Monett camonett at speakeasy.net
Sun Sep 14 21:22:58 CDT 2003

At 07:34 PM 9/13/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>OK, I picked up a couple of drives on ebay, they're 23 GB SCSI sCa full
>-height drives. They only cost me a dollar plus shipping. I greatly
>underestimated the size of these things! They're  like 5 & 1/4 inches wide
>and 60 feet tall!
Sounds like you've got some strange version of Seagate's Elite series. Big, 
and they take
a good deal of power if I'm right with these drives. You sure it's SCA and 
not 68 pin wide?

>What in hell am I going to put these things in? Any ideas?
Thank goodness you've only got 2 drives of this type- a 4 slot cdrom tower 
sized case
should do, but you might as well go for a good sized (in watts) power 
supply since the +12
will be heavily used. Whatever you'll use to power this will need to be 
able to handle 4.8
amps per drive at startup - so stagger the startup. I've got 4 of that 
variety in 68 pin/47GB
version, and I've yet to find something suitable myself (short of a large 
4U case or 8 slot
cdrom tower w/ a 550w power supply)

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