[rescue] mouse options for ultra2?

N.Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Mon Sep 29 03:03:23 CDT 2003

On Sunday, September 28, 2003, at 11:41 AM, Dan Sikorski wrote:
> That said, after getting used to my Kinesis contoured keyboard, there 
> is
> no other keyboard that i ever want to use full time.  It was worth 
> every
> penny, even if i had paid retail. (which I didn't, got mine on ebay for
> $125, iirc)  I thought they had sun adaptors, but i don't see them on
> their website right now...
> http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/

AFAIK, Sun sells a PS/2 to Sun adaptor, runs around $75
(at least they used to, I had one at $JOB-1 for a while).
Belkin also makes one to go with their KVMs that use PS/2
keyboards; I'd expect that it might possibly work with
other KVMs.  I *think* I still have mine (also from $JOB-1
after I became a *manager* and had to have a PC--so I got
a KVM), so I could check.

Which brings me to another question: they make adaptors to
turn a PS/2 mouse into a USB mouse (Logitech included them
with their mice in the early days of USB).  Anyone know if
there is a critter that goes the other direction, so I could
plug a Kinesis into my USB KVM?  That would cover all bases--
Mac, x86, Sun.


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