ethernet and switches, was Re: [rescue] Mozilla Firefox

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at
Fri Apr 23 16:20:39 CDT 2004

Fri, 23 Apr 2004 @ 13:52 -0500, Eric Dittman said:

> Not when it was known as SASI.  As for the protocol itself, look at the
> problems with multiple LUNs, vendor-specific extensions for non-disk
> devices, etc. that cause incompatibilities and the need for blacklists
> and whitelists in the driver and application code.  

Isn't that mostly because manufacturer violate the specs and create
their own rather than using public discussion to create needed additions
and changes?

> Even though there are better storage methods available, we still use
> SCSI because it works despite the workarounds that sometimes are
> necessary.

What is better?  I've not seen much of an alternative to IDE and SCSI
presented, and still less is put on the market.

I just wish SCSI were cheaper, and they'd quit shoving IDE down our

shannon "AT" -- ["If you tell the truth, you don't have to
remember anything" -- Mark Twain]

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