[rescue] Mail Server

erie erie at shelbyvilledesign.com
Tue Dec 21 10:46:42 CST 2004

if someone just wants a mail server or mail 
server/webserver/router/gateway/firewall  then it's hard to
go wrong with E-smith (or SME server as its called). there are several 
scripts for automatically
installing amavis,spam assassin and a web administration tool is built 
in. I've had several installations
that just keep running and running with little attention other than the 
occasional cleaning.


Kevin wrote:

>I setup a Postfix, amavisd, clamAV, spamassassin etc mail
>gateway using the doc below:
>It's been up for over a year now with EXCELLENT results.  The doc
>is for OpenSBD, and i am using Linux, but it was mostly easily
>transferable.  The only real PITA was installing all of the perl
>On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 19:18:16 -0500
>sammy ominsky <s at avoidant.org> wrote:
>>So, during today's interview, the subject of mail servers came
>>The company is moving AWAY from Exchange and Windows, and the
>>guy who'll be my boss if I get the job said they were leaning
>>to sendmail, but postfix had been an option as well.  I
>>suggested postfix was the better of the two for the job based
>>on my experience, and told him I'd email later with details of
>>why and what the benefits are.
>>Anyone care to contribute?  I know we're a rabid pack of
>>postfix fans here, so I hope for good reasons.
>>Also, Bill, do you have a writeup of your postfix/amavis/clamAV
>>installation, and maybe even a business case for it?
>>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

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