[rescue] ID this SGI board and win, oh, I dunno, my eternal thanks

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Thu Feb 5 19:19:35 CST 2004

It's a Dual R10k 195 w/1MB or 2MB cache.


If you want to sell it, let me know.


On 5-Feb-04, at 6:51 PM, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:

> I bought a big box'o'parts for my SGI Challenge L a while back, and 
> there's
> one board in the bunch I can't identify.
> I thought it was a processor board, a 2-processor version of the 
> quad-IP19
> already in the Challenge, but, now that I finally compare them, I see 
> it's
> completely different.
> The one in the Challenge is marked "IP 91 ASSY 030-0375-009 Rav A" 
> along the
> top edge.  It's got 4 processors, four groups of SIMM-like memory, etc.
> The mystery board isn't marked along the top, but has a small sticker 
> saying
> "030-1107-101 Rev A" on the board, and "1107-101/A" on one of the 
> locking
> handles.  It's got two processors, two blank areas marked "CPU2" and 
> "CPU3",
> no SIMMs, and a completely different layout.
> Pictures at http://www.artell.net/shel/default.asp?fold=shel/Challenge 
> by
> part number.
> Googling the number hasn't turned up much, but you guys are better than
> Google when it comes to this stuff.  Clues appreciated.
> Thanks.
> -Shel
> --
> Sheldon T. Hall
> shel at cmhc.com
> 206-780-7971 (CMHC)
> 206-842-2858 (Home)
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