[rescue] Re: Sun E4500 Performance Question

James Jacocks jjacocks at mac.com
Sun Feb 15 23:53:08 CST 2004

On Feb 16, 2004, at 12:33 AM, Gavin wrote:

> Whatever you do, don't trade or sell the X2602A CPU carrier boards.
> They're more valuable than any processor module - except the exotic
> 464MHz processor modules.

Heh...I have the older 83mHz CPU boards, ATM.

> The sweet spot for Exx00 CPUs is currently the 336MHz/4MB US-II
> module. A couple of months ago there were stacks on EBay selling for
> around $5 each (not a misprint). I understand they mostly came from
> E10k systems that were being scrapped. I bought a set of of 30 x
> 336MHz/4MB processor modules for my E6000 system and paid less
> then $200 plus postage.
That is a heck of a good deal.  I'm looking at > $35/each for such 
modules right now.

> Incidentally, why do you have 167Mhz processors in your E4500? I can't
> see how that configuration would ever have left the factory? (the
> 167MHz processors were only used in the very first Ex000 systems with
> the X2600A carrier boards, but both the processors and the boards were
> quickly superseded by better parts).

My E4500 came with only the clock board, so I sourced my 7 boards from 
a scrapped E5000.  Thus, the 167mHz CPUs on 83mHz boards.


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