[rescue] Blocked via dsbl.org Phil...

Mike Meredith mike at blackhairy.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 20 06:37:42 CST 2004

On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 17:06:38 -0600, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> I RTFRFCed, and it appears that luser@[] is now an
> accepted syntax.  

It's been an accepted standard for a *very* long time. I personally
think of it as something that may be useful for a new site, but it's
something that can be turned off when things are right. It's intended
for use in situations where there are DNS problems :-

  To: hostmaster@[]
  Subject: Re: DNS Server

  Can't see your new DNS server. Looks like the address you've given
  for it is an internal DECnet one. This isn't going to work.

(You might encounter this sort of thing around the time of migration
from HOSTS.TXT -> DNS ... it could also be quite a while before you
could get your mail server listed in HOSTS.TXT)

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