[rescue] Lexmark Accessories

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Sat Jan 10 21:16:21 CST 2004

If you find a source for any of these things cheap, let me know...
I have a 4039 10Plus too.

-- Curt

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 20:56, William Barnett-Lewis wrote:
> Good Evening All,
> I've recently picked up a $22 Lexmark 4039 10Plus postscript printer. 
> 18,000 is the alleged (seems way too low) page count and it's dirty as 
> all get out, but that's still a decent price for a postscript level 2 
> laser, I think.
> If possible for something near a semi-sane price, I'd like to find a 
> duplexer and a second paper feed assembly. I'm keeping a watch on E-bay 
> but thought there might be someone on the list with these to sell or 
> else know a good place to try for bits for these.
> Thanks!
> William

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