[rescue] A productive weekend...

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Sun Jan 18 18:08:22 CST 2004

On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 05:24:15PM -0500, Larry Snyder wrote:
> Matthew Haas <wedge at lightlink.com> wrote:
> >  I couldn't resist for $164...
> > 
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3071319214&category=11223&sspagename=rvi:1:1
> > 
> >  I got to try these out on a visit to Buffalo's Center for Computational
> > Research last year, and it is amazing to see a pair actually pop up on
> > eBay.
> > 
> >  Any cool tidbits about these?

Cool score.  Do you intend to use them on an SGI?

> I snagged a pair of Relevators a while back.  I haven't found many
> apps that take advantage of them, but I know Battalion becomes almost
> surreal when you shift into 3D.  You don't want to forget to take
> them off when you're done.  You could find yourself walking into things.

Err, why would he walk into things?  I believe the set I used default to
clear when they weren't in use, so it would be just like wearing
extremely light (tinting, not weight) sun glasses.

There are some applications that support these out of box, but I'm
having trouble thinking what they might be, other than probably Iris
Exploreer, and OpenDX.  I know of a few libraries that support them, but
they are costly.  I wonder if Crystal Space supports them.

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