[rescue] OT: 1st DC Rescue get-together (Official announcement)

Thomas Gallaway rescue at port11.net
Sat Jun 26 14:09:07 CDT 2004

Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

>Fri, 25 Jun 2004 @ 13:52 -0400, Thomas Gallaway said:
>>When: June, 27th 2004 (Sunday) 18:00
>>            Dining House and Down Home Saloon
>>           1523 22ns St, NW
>>           Washington, DC 20037
>>            http://www.thebrickskeller.com/
>>Who: Whoever wants to come. Maybe if you reply to this the fist person 
>>to show up can get a clue on what kind of table to get.
>In the future, things like this need to be announced a little further
We started talking about this 06/12 and I think the 27th was talked 
about 06/13.

As a note I will not be able to make it until 7pm so. Need to pick 
somebody up from the airport.

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