[rescue] FrameMaker FYI

Phil Stracchino alaric at caerllewys.net
Sat Mar 27 17:56:39 CST 2004

On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 08:55:18PM +0000, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> > From: Phil Stracchino <alaric at caerllewys.net>
> > FX!32 would keep the translated version around, iirc.  So
> > the next time you ran it, you were running native Alpha
> > machine code, not x86 code JIT-translated.

> That's right! And IIRC, it only translated "live" code - it would
> translate it JIT, and store the results - over time the entore
> application would most likely be translated, but if yo never used
> certain options, the related code was never translated...

Musta been the smallest disk footprint MS Office ever had.  ;)

 .*********  Fight Back!  It may not be just YOUR life at risk.  *********.
 : phil stracchino : unix ronin : renaissance man : mystic zen biker geek :
 :  alaric at caerllewys.net|phil-stracchino at earthlink.net|phil at novylen.net  :
 :   2000 CBR929RR, 1991 VFR750F3 (foully murdered), 1986 VF500F (sold)   :
 :    Linux Now!   ...Because friends don't let friends use Microsoft.    :

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