Windows in the DoD, was Re: [rescue] Compaq Proliant 8000

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at
Sat May 1 13:33:30 CDT 2004

Moved to geeks...

Fri, 30 Apr 2004 @ 22:23 -0400, Phil Stracchino said:

> Personally, I think some general or admiral in the Pentagon is either
> totally out of their fucking mind, or got a really huge pre-retirement
> kickback from Microsoft.

A few years back the Navy got a new head of procurement, and he's a M$

COTS is a good idea in a lot of ways, but not when M$ is one of the only
choices for certain things, and is shoved down everyone's throat for

Handheld systems are often WinCE based...

The only thing I've seen so far is units for doing inventory, but I
would not be surprised to see it on the battlefield.

shannon "AT" -- ["I wish life was not so short. Languages
take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about." - J.
R. R. Tolkien]

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