[rescue] OpenBSD on an SS5 - argh!

Micah R L lassloc at hotpop.com
Fri May 14 15:00:22 CDT 2004

Mike Parson wrote:

>On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 03:12:05PM -0400, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
>> Mike Hebel says ...
>>However, this brings up a thought ... how about an OpenBSD ftp-install boot
>>_CD_?  I know SFA about making bootable CD-ROMs, but it seems that it ought
>>to be possible.  Would it be possible to have one that worked on multiple
>Netboot, folks, netboot.
>No floppies, no CD roms, just tftp, bootparams, rarpd and nfs on another
>'nix box on your net.
>I don't remember the last time I installed a BSD on a sparc via any kind
>of removable media.
OpenBSD can boot from cd and install over network. There is a cd called 
"cd35.iso" in the directory for your arch... if OpenBSD supports 
bootable CDs on your arch, then you can net install from cd35.iso (this 
cd does NOT contain distribution sets, just the things necessary to 
install them via FTP, HTTP, NFS, whatever... to get a CD with 
distribution sets, you'll have to make your own, or purchase them).

And yeah, it can netboot. It was just more trouble than it was worth... 
complicated. For one thing, the netboot docs sucked ("at this step, 
populate a / filesystem". WTF? How is that helpful?), and I didn't want 
to mess with it since I only needed it to netboot ONCE for the install 
and then boot from local disk after that. <grr>

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