[rescue] Dual Ross SparcPlug rackmount with HS180 processors for sale

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Thu Feb 10 22:06:06 CST 2005

I'm contemplating selling my Dual Ross SparcPlug
rackmount setup.

I aquired it and never real did anything with it.

Each SparcPlug has a HS180 processor in it.  Each
one has 128M or RAM in it (actually I think one of
them has 192M in it).

There is a 2G drive attached to each.

This is a fairly interesting 3U rackmount enclosure
that has the two SparcPlug's side by side in the
front, then the drive cages sit behind them, then
the power supplies.

What is more interesting is this unit was owned by
Ross engineering (vsp-107 and I think vsp-108 from
eng05.ross.com NIS domain).

If this is something your interested in, feel free
to make offers....

If your interested in the HS180 processors, you can
make offers on just those as well.

It is a interesting setup, but I'm not really going
to use it, and I need to trim down my 'collection'.

-- Curt

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