[rescue] FWD: FS: SGI quad R4400 200Mhz deskside challenge in UK

Sheldon T. Hall shel at tandem.artell.net
Sat Jan 15 15:33:28 CST 2005

I'm not the seller, but Khalid has a lot of SGI stuff for sale.  He's a
frequent poster on the SGI newsgroups ...

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 11:38:56 +0000, in comp.sys.sgi.marketplace Khalid
Schofield <oums0246 at raven.linux.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

selling a quad R4400 deskside power challenge L server. 512Mb memory.
Local pickup only. Loads of spares including a power challenge 1000.

please please take this thing away before I have to give it away.

Khalid Schofield
System Administrator / EM Technician
Dept. Of Materials
University Of Oxford
Parks Road

Email: khalid.schofield at materials.ox.ac.uk
Tel: 01865 273785
Fax: 01865 283333
Web: http://www-em.materials.ox.ac.uk/people/schofield/index.html

GNU Humour 'Technical Thug'


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