[rescue] E250 rack-mount

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Thu Jul 14 10:11:56 CDT 2005

On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 11:58:26PM -0500, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> Eric Webb declared on Thursday 14 July 2005 12:50 am:
> > The ISP at which I'm doing my co-lo is kinda weird... all their
> > customer co-lo racks are standard telco racks... How stupid does that
> > sound?  
> It sounds like they're f'ing morons, and you should run far, far away 
> very, very quickly.
> BTW, I *abhor* 2-post racks for anything other than simple datacom gear 
> (patch panels, network gear, and that's about it).

I have in my office 3 rack mountable PCs and a 4 post rack.  However,
one of the PCs (the biggest and heaviest of course) has ears only, no
rails.  The other two have rails.  Except, the rails won't fit in the
rack because they clash with a second strip of holes (front and back on
the left and right) that my boss calls "side ears".

Most frustating.  So, the rails are off those two PCs, and one sicks on
a shelf, and the other sits on two strips of wood bolted to the "side

And then the monitor sits on another wooden shelf also bolted to the
"side ears".

All in all in the rack, I only have 5 boxes properly mounted, and all
five are mounted by the ears only.  One box had some extensions for back
support, but I couldn't figure out how to actually do anything with them
in this rack.

Is rack mounting gear always this messy?  My HP rack at home also seems
to have basically the same sort of "side ears" in it that the rack at
work does.  Does this mean that when I get more proper rack mounted gear
for home it is unlikely to fit as well?

Currently at home, I have a rackmount PC sitting on the very bottom, and
other non racked gear sitting on top.  The only thing actually rack
mounted is the GigE switch, which came with no back support system.

Joshua D. Boyd
jdboyd at jdboyd.net

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