[rescue] Problem using GeForce 6600 PCIE 256M

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Sun Jul 17 22:29:51 CDT 2005

How exactly does this pertain to rescuing old (sun) computers?


On 17-Jul-05, at 12:35 PM, Tommy Tang wrote:

> I have assembled a new computer, with the following hardwares,
> Board:    2themax 9NPAJ 939
> CPU:      Athlon64 3000+ 939
> RAM:     Kingston DDR400 512M x 2
> HD:        Segate SATA 160G x 2
> Display:  Eagle GeForce 6600 PCIE 256M
> But after I have installed the display card driver, when I open any 3D
> things (3D screensaver, GTA, etc), the machine hangs and reboots.
> I have tried installing the newest display and mother board drivers 
> from
> nvidia.com and updating the BIOS to the newest version, but it is also
> useless.
> Thanks for any advice and help.
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