[rescue] [Slightly OT]: Desk/Tables for multiple computers

Patrick Giagnocavo 717-201-3366 patrick at zill.net
Wed Jul 20 19:52:00 CDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 20:28, Joshua Boyd wrote:

> Now I'm in an office, but it has no door and is in the middle of the
> building with no windows and crappy lighting.  Now I really do feel

It's not really an office then... buy a $15 halogen torchiere from WalMart and fire it up, might soften the lighting somewhat.  

> imprisoned.  Plus, instead of one quiet laptop, I have 10 noisy machines
> that manage to make themselves heard around my headphones.  And instead
> of listening to the murmer of other people talking quietly (which I
> hated at the time), I get to hear endless intercom pages.

I think you are sufficiently familiar with hardware hacking to make THAT mod :-)


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