[rescue] Looking : Sgi/Sun stuff

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sun Jun 26 20:38:48 CDT 2005

On Jun 26, 2005, at 1:07 PM, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> Although I have to admit I would love to rescue that SS1000.

Which one? :) I have several in there! One is a SS1000 (non E model) 
that's maxed out, max memory, 8x 85mhz cpus, etc. I used to have it 
running here with an array, and I hardly had to use my heat in the 
winter! I've got over 25 SSA's in there as well, some with only a few 
drives, some maxed out, etc.

And for anyone interested, I don't think I have any Ultra stuff in 
there at all, other than perhaps an Ultra-1 or so, no 2's, 30's, 60's.

I'm ready to give or throw it all away. Of course, any donations of 
CASH, or larger camera equipment (anything larger than 35mm) would be 
really appreciated (photography: my renewed interest in an older low 
tech hobby!) to help out an unemployed / disabled me to enjoy life a 

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