[rescue] Be and NeXT kit

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Fri May 6 11:00:31 CDT 2005

Thu, 05 May 2005 @ 21:18 -0400, Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. said:

> On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 10:04, Wes Will wrote:
> > Yes, I/we both knowit runs on Intel junk, but Jeff is interested in the
> > hardware.  It's not just the OS, but the entire experience.  This guy is
> > truly a candidate for this crew.  He still has an Atari 400xl running....
> bzzt... no such critter.... Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/1200XL/65XE/130XE
> were the 8 bit Atari computers (My first home computer was an Atari 400
> and I still have it... (and several more)).  

You left out the 1400XL and the 1450XL, and yes, both were produced,
just in very low quantities.

> Unfortunately mine is not setup anywhere.... a problem I have to
> rememdy someday.  Some of the games on the Atari (and C64/128 too)
> were really great games (despite the 'limited' graphics of the day).

The only thing I didn't like about the Atari was the 40 column text.
That was a severe limitation when you needed to do a lot of terminal
work, or word processing.

I used to login to minis using a terminal program that used the joystick
to pan over an 80 or 130 column screen.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- [javalin: an unwieldy programming weapon used
to stab a software project through the heart until dead]

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