[rescue] Mainframe on eBay

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Tue Sep 20 14:30:38 CDT 2005

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 12:01:04PM -0400, velociraptor wrote:
>>So it's ok for you to make fun, but not anyone else to?  I found it
>>amusing that the stereotypical "we speak the King's English and
>>you Yanks have some low-brow dialect" dig was wrong, that's all.
> I'm invoking Goodwin on the grammar nazis.
> Bill

That's Godwin.  ;)

[ Sorry, under the circumstances, I just had to do it.  :) ]

 Phil Stracchino       phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
    Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037         Landline: 603-886-3518

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