[rescue] SunOS 4.1.x docs as PDF?

Mark Brown sunrescue at marknmel.com
Thu Apr 6 05:51:18 CDT 2006

Bill Bradford wrote:

>> Anybody know if Sun ever released the (excellent) SunOS 4.x user/admin
>> manuals in PDF format?  They're not on docs.sun.com (not surprising),
>> but I'm wondering if they were so old as to only be available in paper
>> and AnswerBook format.  Unfortunately, I tossed my paper copies when I
>> moved to Houston (which I'm now regretting).

I have quite a few of these old PDF's on a cd that I almost forgot I had. Could
someone provide the sun part number(s) for these manuals, and I'll take a look
on the cd.

I might have the AB's as well for some of these too.


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