[rescue] LCD monitor diagnosis

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Thu Apr 20 22:03:33 CDT 2006

Wed, 19 Apr 2006 @ 19:05 -0700, Don Y said:

> Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> > On Tuesday 18 April 2006 09:54, Don Y wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> By (PC) consumer standards, "many years" may, in fact, be "a very
> >> long time".  But, I've also had problems with electrolytics
> >> "drying out" in hifi gear (I've a Yamaha CA-810 that I need to
> >> re-cap... considerably older than any of these motherboards
> >> yet still not what I would consider "a very long time"  :<  )
> > 
> > I was thinking ten years is a good number.  Beyond that much time, it would 
> > probably be cheaper to get a new machine, given power-to-watt ratios.
> For a PC, ... maybe.  I really don't know why PC's should have
> such piss-poor reliability expectations (except, of course,
> for the fact that most are treated as disposable)

Good PCs aren't unreliable. They might be ugly, but there is no reason for
them to be unreliable.

Since they are a commodity, the same thing happens that happens to all
commodities: big companies start mass producting corner-cut replicas as fast
as possible, and eventually come to depend on their unreliability as a source
of new revenue.

Technically, there is no reason for even a cheap PC, plastic bucket, or stereo
to die young.

If consumers would quit putting up with crap, it wouldn't sell...

Unfortunately, they create the market that the rest of us have to live

> I think a lot depends on the quality of the original components,
> environmental issues as well as age.

Kind of like cars...

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["The strength of the Constitution lies
entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it.  Only if every
single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the
constitutional rights secure." -- Albert Einstein]

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