[rescue] Backup Schemes?

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Wed Apr 26 18:06:21 CDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 08:52, Robert Brooke Gravitt wrote:
> So, what's your favorite ways of doing backup across your rescued  
> systems? Each box to its own tapes, dumping to a backed-up nfs mount,  
> tar dumps, etc?
> Wondering, as I brought a few boxes this week to play, and spent some  
> time with fsck. I need to roll a script that works everywhere to back  
> up the sun, hp, sgi,  and macs.

I like bacula myself (http://www.bacula.org)

it is basically an open source centralized backup solution with a
similar architecture to commercial solutions like networker and

-- Curt

> -Brooke
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