[rescue] LCD monitor diagnosis

Don Y dgy at DakotaCom.Net
Thu Apr 27 00:34:48 CDT 2006

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 10:04:46PM -0700, Don Y wrote:
>> Yes, a european source, IIRC.  It's not hard to imagine, though.
>> Many products have WAY too many features resulting in severely
>> "overloaded" user interface functions (i.e. buttons that do
>> 48 different things). 
> As I wrote in a blog entry entitled "I bought an MP3 player": 
> "I had real problems using it. The user interface is as simple to use as
> a Rubic's Cube."
> To load the files, it connects to your computer as if it was a USB memory
> stick.
> What really makes it suck is that you must put your files one layer deep in
> a folder called MUSIC (in upper case) off of the root and there is a limit
> to how many files you can have, but there is no way of knowing it.
> If you have less than the limit, then it works when you disconnect from
> computer. If you went to far, it can't find anything and must be reformated,
> using the menu system. 
> Using the thing on a Linux or Macintosh system, or formating it under Windows
> and it really gets lost. You have to pull the battery and when it restarts
> go into menu mode before it reads the file directory and hangs.
> If you are good at STFWing you can find the manufacurer's web site. The web
> page has a download link for a manual, but there is no manual to be found.
> It came with a Hebrew manual that was unreadable, it looked like it was
> copied on a thermal fax machine.
> Except for the fact that it plays files in the order they were loaded
> instead of sorting by name or ID tag, I'm happy with it. I can load it
> up with 24 hours of audiobooks if I recompress them to very low bitrate
> mono files. 

ROTFLMAO!  Yes, that sounds about right  :-(

At least these are "undeniable" (ahem) *features*.
I have a cassette tape deck that autoreverses at the end
of side A (etc.) to play the back side of the tape.
As expected, when it starts playing the back side of
the tape, the tape counter counts *down* (so, when the back
side is finished playing, the counter should have returned
to 0000 -- assuming it was started at this point on the
front side).

But, if you eject the tape as soon as it gets to the end
of the front side, manually flip the tape over and reinsert
it, and then press "PLAY FORWARD" (i.e. play the front side
of the tape), the tape counter STILL counts *down* -- even
though the tape reels are moving "up".

(can you spell "bug"?)

I have *two* of these tape decks.  So, it is highly
likely that it is a genuine design defect.

I've given up trying to convince the manufacturer of this.
They claim it *should* behave this way (no, it shouldn't.
think about it...)

Of course, there is no workaround -- other than disciplining
yourself never to stop the tape just as it reaches the end
of the front side!

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