[rescue] Dual headed U10

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 18:27:46 CDT 2006

On 8/16/06, Don Y <dgy at dakotacom.net> wrote:
> BTW, on a related issue, I've noticed that the screens
> on Sony monitors are harder to clean than other monitors.
> <grrr>  "Harder" is a bad choice of words.  :-(
> They seem as if they have a *film* on them that *behaves*
> as if it was oily (it isn't but that's what it seems
> to look like while cleaning).
> Is there a recommended practice for cleaning them that
> differs from "typical" CRT's?  Or, am I imagining this?  :>

I believe this is an anti-reflection and/or polarization coating.
I've found that alcohol-based cleaners work better on it than anything
else.  Using a non-woven, low-lint cloth to dry it after applying the
cleaner works best.

We used to have these two-pack (wet/dry) cleaner wipes at a couple of
places I've worked that were best for cleaning them.

One of my friends keeps a post-it not on his monitor's bezel--"DO NOT
TOUCH SCREEN WITH FINGERS"--'cause he hates fingerprints on his
monitor so much.


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