[rescue] G4 pricing

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 18:23:30 CDT 2006

On 8/17/06, Peter Corlett <abuse at cabal.org.uk> wrote:
> > I suspect that turning it off would be a good idea on many OSs when
> > running audio and/or video applications, but I don't know that for
> > sure.  If I ever had a Mac with sufficient ram, I certainly would give
> > it a shot.
> I gather that OSX really hates not having swap.

Putting swap on another partition was a big PITA on earlier versions
(mach == swap *files* not a swap "filesystem" :-/).

A couple of articles on moving swap (apparently still a big PITA) under 10.4:

And one on disabling swap in 10.3 (came out b/c of the fact that in
<=10.3, swapfiles could only be unencrypted--in >=10.4, you have the
option of encrypting swap):


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