[rescue] FS: IBM P202 21" black Trinitron monitor, suit RS6k (UK)

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Jan 17 12:16:05 CST 2006

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Sebastian Jaenicke wrote:

> Details about the modification would be appreciated - I have both
> a P202 and several SGI boxen, but so far didn't succeed in making
> them work together.

Start with a vanilla 13w3 cable.  Clip all the small pins, leaving the
coaxial "pins".  You now have a cable that won't let your SGI annoy your
IBM monitor.

Alternatively, find a pair of 13w3<->3BNC cables and three thinnet

Jonathan Patschke    )   "A man who never dreams goes slowly mad."
Elgin, TX           (      --Thomas Dolby, "Valley of the Mind's Eye"

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