[rescue] NeWS

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Tue Jan 24 18:30:42 CST 2006

der Mouse wrote:
>>The Windows driver system allows layered drivers which not only allow
>>software houses to install viral programs which hurt my system and my
>>ability to use it, but open up security holes all the way to ring
> To be fair, lots of Unix variants do this too.  Anything that supports
> vendor-provided binary-only drivers has similar security properties,
> whether it's Linux, OSX, or Windows.

Which UNIX variants have the system Windows has for driver filters?

As far as I know, nobody else has been that stupid except for Microsoft.

Binary only drivers definitely are *NOT* a similar security problem.

I'm talking about something quite different.

Read up on Starforce and things like that to see what I mean.

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