[rescue] Housing/Storage Ideas (was: Craigslist)

Arno Kletzander Arno_1983 at gmx.de
Tue Jul 4 02:30:48 CDT 2006

velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6/30/06, Don Y <dgy at dakotacom.net> wrote:
> > Mike Hebel wrote:
> > > This is the exact reason why my ideal home would probably be an old
> > > abandoned factory that I could slowly renovate.
> >
> > I always thought an old, single level elementary school, etc.
> > You could set up different classrooms for different uses!  :>
> Retired barn, church, or community gymnasium, where the interior rooms
> could be arranged to your liking, since the interior walls wouldn't
> have to be load bearing.
> =Nadine=

I've fancied the idea of owning a piece of industrial estate which has a dead-end railway line. Put some retired passenger train cars on there (you can adjust the interior to fit your needs) and add a new one whenever the existing ones start to feel stuffed. 

If you keep the cars in a reasonable state, you could even have (or charter) an engine and be on your way moving to a new place or going on vacation with no need to pack up your stuff!

Arno Kletzander
Stud. Hilfskraft Informatik Sammlung Erlangen

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