[rescue] sunfreeware

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Thu May 25 10:17:16 CDT 2006

On 5/24/06, Bryan Gurney <arb_npx42 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Not to be snide or anything, but I've used Blastwave (
http://www.blastwave.org/ ) ever since I couldn't find a number of things on
SFW, and I haven't really gone back since.  I did have a problem with xmms
from the "unstable" tree not being able to play OGG files with the vorbis
library that came in the unstable tree, but trying again with the stable tree
fixed that.
> The other nag is having to add another directory to your path ( /opt/csw/bin
), but once that's taken care of, it's rather good.

Some might argue about blastwave's lack of separate packages for Sol
8/9/10, but I find that to be a good piece of amunition to point at
vendors who claim "our software is not certified under Solaris 10".

I am using blastwave pkgs on a few machines that needed corner case
stuff that sunfreeware didn't have.  I will probably be switching my
other boxes as I rebuild them.


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