[rescue] Biggest drives (and SVM) in a U60?

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon May 29 23:57:01 CDT 2006

Thu, 25 May 2006 @ 17:33 -0400, Jones, Andrew I said:

> A separate /boot filesystem is practically a requirement on modern Linux
> systems.  

The only time you need a boot filesystem is if your system depends on
kernel code that is built as a module.

> I make a habit of setting things up with XFS on my home machine, with
> an ext2 boot that includes a miniroot with recovery tools.  Kind of
> like the old SGI EFS volhdr, XFS root.

I ran XFS for 5 years, never had a boot filesystem, and never needed

I just made sure my kernel builds supported everything I needed at boot
and for repairs.

Now I use a boot filesystem, but not because I need it.  I use it
because so many scripts and tools expect it now and I just decided to
do it.

It also helps make sure your kernel stays below any kind of BIOS limit
on logical boot sectors.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["Work for something because it is good, not
just because it stands a chance to succeed." -- Vaclav Havel]

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