[rescue] Free DEC Alpha Equipment

Chris Brandstetter sirloxelroy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 20:07:32 CST 2006

Dear All,
	I have 3 rack mountable (they are removed from their racks each one  
is about 16 inches tall) Dec Alpha systems.

A) 4100 with 512MB Ram Dual 466MHz Procs and no HDD
B) 2100 with 640MB Ram Dual EV-4s 1MB and 1 HDD with Digital UNIX V4.0
C) 2100 with 640MB Ram Dual Unknown CPUs 1HDD with OpenVMS 6.2

For Free for anyone to pick them up in Lincoln Nebraska.

Chris Brandstetter

-----Begin Geek Code----
GCS d s++:++ a C++++ U++++ L++++ P++++ E--- W+++ o K w---- O M++++ V+ PS
PE Y+ PGP++ t++ 5+++ X++ R tv b++ DI+ D+ G e+ h++ r- z?

------End Geek Code-------
To Decode:http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/

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