[rescue] For all the Model M keyboard fans:

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Nov 21 13:54:06 CST 2006

On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 02:33:32PM -0500, Joshua Boyd wrote:
> One of these days I need to find out how well my '96 vintage P3
> motherboard handles being USB only (currently I use a PS/2 keyboard but
> USB mouse).

You have a 1996 motherboard that takes a P3 and has USB ports??#!>?#!

>From WikiPedia -

"The Pentium III is an x86 (more specifically, an i686) architecture
 microprocessor by Intel, introduced on February 26, 1999."

      * USB 1.1: Released in September 1998.
      Added higher maximum speed of 12 Mbps (now called Full-Speed). Fixed
problems identified in 1.0. Earliest revision to be widely adopted.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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