[rescue] Anyone interested in a Sun E3000?

Francois Dion francois.dion at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 09:57:44 CST 2006

On 11/29/06, Ethan O'Toole <ethan at 757tech.net> wrote:
> >    *snort* Sun also says you can put two V890s in one rack, but there's
> > an asterisk next to that line -- and I seem to recall the footnote
> > suggesting something about structural engineers and a gantry.
> Just need a 9' rack :-)
> Check out the AS/400 stacking solutions. Those are frigging crazy!
> A friend mentioned em, then we googled...
> >    Given the three 208 circuits I brought in for each V890, I just put
> > little 2U servers in the rest of those racks. :7)
> Hah! yea.
> Also on the topic of those crates with ramps... Sun E6800 comes in
> something similiar, as did Origin 2000s and Origin 3800s.

I think all racks from Sun come like that. Our E4800 came rack mounted
in the same type of rack as E6800. It was tied down with grade 10
hardware on two heavy steel tracks and nice ramps with a metal bracket
and side ramps. Later style racks came with plain cut 2x4 ramps, no
sides and velcro to hold to the pallet instead of the bolted metal
brackets in the case of the E4800/E6800.


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