[rescue] Lossless audio capture

Erie Patsellis erie at shelbyvilledesign.com
Fri Oct 27 10:50:31 CDT 2006

let me know what you come up with, i've been pondering the same thing, I 
have a compaq SFF that I really need to replace.


Sridhar Ayengar wrote:

>Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
>>You probably need at least a mid-spec Octane for that kind of stuff, though
>>the Indy's replacement, the O2, might do.  I have no O2 experience, though,
>>and have hardly used my "new" Octane enough to gauge its capabilities.
>>Unfortunately, the Octane is big, loud, and hot, while an Indy is small,
>>quiet, and cool.
>The problem with the O2 is that it's a minitower, which doesn't fit well 
>in with a stereo rack.
>I'm looking for something cute.  I think the closest I'm going to get 
>will probably be an older Xserve.
>Peace...  Sridhar
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