[rescue] Google Map - My Map feature

David Muran-de Assereto dmuran at tuad.org
Tue Apr 10 06:38:01 CDT 2007

On Apr 9, 2007, at 9:46 PM, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> Well, I live in Tidewater, Virginia.  I bet we'd be a lot toastier  
> than you
> would.
> Tidewater is a huge military base, with some civilian stuff  
> scattered here
> and there.
> A few highlights:
> 	Langley Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command
> 	Norfolk Naval Base, NATO, SUBCOMLANT, carrier, sub, and destroyer
> 		units, R&D, war gaming, supply ops
> 	Oceana Naval Air Station
> 	Camp Peary, local spy base, shhhh!
> 	US Marine Corp, amphibious base
Just to set the record straight, Langley is the headquarters of Air  
Combat Command. Strategic Air Command, which no longer exists, was  
headquartered at Offutt AFB, near Omaha, NE.

BTW, I'm also in nuke central, in Alexandria, VA, right next to DC. I  
already glow in the dark in anticipation.


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